can you please help me in this gameplay. iam not able to remove the current director of business department agency and replace him during meeting. as i ve already gained sofia s trust but iam still not able to remove rafael from his director position. so please help me in this gameplay how to remove him
Read the journal entry related to Shawn. There should be instruction where to search the sketches. Most of them can be found by searching shelves in specific building. The last sketch can be found by searching someone's desk in the office.
If you refer to the trading card, search trash bins in condominium, flat or apartment. Make sense to do this during weekend as you'll have lots of free time. Refill mood by playing games on your desk or drinking coffee at the office.
Talk to Phill (entertainment department) & do what he wants. At some point, he'll ask you to meet at Sushi Haven restaurant at 8 pm. There are 2 important choices that you need to make when you talk to him at the restaurant. The choice will lead to 2 different paths (good or bad ending).
Niobe is the drug pusher in the sewer. From Dream city map, tap drug icon to climb down to the sewer. Niobe wears red jacket so it should be easy to find her.
Hi, from where did you know about Niobe? You will not know about her name unless you already talk to her in the sewer. The game through checklist screen will ask you to find a drug pusher in the sewer. If you climb down to the sewer, you'll meet a female with red jacket. Talk to her & then you'll know she's Niobe. The person with blue jacket is just a drug addict. He doesn't serve any important role. You can ignore him.
Hi, to complete the game, you need to replace the current manager for either Team A or B & that requires you to complete objectives for either Illegal Substance storyline (Team A) or Murder In Office storyline (Team B). You can refer to the checklist screen to keep updated of the progress.
You must join either Team A or B & once you've solved the storyline by removing the manager, there should be option to replace them during department meeting on Tuesday. The secret to get highest work contribution is to only work when healthy to keep within 100% work productivity which means if you get sick or wounded, go to your apartment & sleep at bed to get healthy.
You can also experiment with mood as low mood makes you work longer thus improving work contribution but too low mood makes you unable to finish daily task to get money.
Hi, you need to attend business department meeting in Tuesday. Make sure you have the highest work contribution in the whole department (easy to achieve as long as you complete your daily task everyday). During the meeting, there should be option to nomimate yourself as the director if you're already manager Team A or B.
I have completed dc office. Now I've moved on to dc living. Naomi is weird, so the game is asking me to see Damien. But I've never met Damien before. Can you help me? Thanks.
You can find Damien at condominium after 10 am. Normally you should talk to Damien first & he'll give a task for you to record infected behaviour which you'll write it down in a journal (check Document & Voucher screen). Naomi is infected. Every time you visit her condo unit, you'll record her weird behaviour.
Jim is the shopkeeper at the pawn shop (money sign on Dream city map). You might already talk to him when you caught Britney trying to sell her stolen jewellery.
Help!! I kinda mixed up things in my game. my characterbis a girl and has 785 investigation skill and I'm in Entertainment Dept.(if that is necessary) then i got bob arrested first without jiu caughing me investigating his desk. So basically, i cant earn Sofia's trust and Jiu is only talking about Airpads not talking about Rafael's bribe, i already got 4000 but i cant take the bribe to jiu because of what?pls answer huehueheue
Hi, you can actually earn Sofia's trust by getting her secret from Britney (caught her stealing from co-worker but choose to keep it secret). Your biggest mistake is you choose to enter Entertainment department. The game will only let you remove Rafael from his position if you choose to enter Business department. That's why Jiu will not offer you the DVD even though you have the money ($4000) because you don't belong to Business department.
At this point you probably need to restart the game and choose to enter Business department (Team A or Team B).
Hi, Katherine's room is the small room inside the office where Martha & Joe is working. After 10 pm, if you've noticed Martha is still working, go inside the small room. Refer to this screenshot.
Hi, there's no plan to add more characters. With the latest update 1.49/1.50, we've considered the game to be complete. There'll be no more content update in the future. We have no budget to use voice actors so that's why we use text to speech (tts) for characters. Do you think it's better we replace tts with sound effect instead?
OK, we'll put that into consideration. Does this means no text to speech for main character like when you interact with no object (there's nothing to interact) or you refer to text to speech when a co-worker refused flirt?
Hi, you can search Williams's desk. There should be a picture of a woman with Williams. Take note the woman in the picture is not Sharon. She just looks like Sharon.
Hi, you need Sofia's secret which you can get it from Britney. Talk to Britney, investigate her desk (find cigarette box) & then wait until weekend to go to pawn shop to catch her. Then, at the office, choose to keep quiet of her stealing stuff. She'll reveal the secret. Then, talk to Sofia.
Hi, for current update you can't visit the public library. However, we've been able to finish the remaining story for the sisterhood. There should be an update this week to add remaining story for the sisterhood which allows you to visit the public library. Keep your eyes for the update.
Hi, did you have all 12 cards? When you get the last card, there should be popup dialog telling you to go see Shawn. Did you have the dialog? If you didn't have the dialog, the game will still consider you didn't have all the cards. This might happen if you try to get the last card at 11.45 pm. If you've confirmed you've got all 12 cards but the game didn't ask you to see Shawn, you need to reload your saved game. Don't try to find the last card at 11.45 pm.
Hi, the easiest way is to search trash bin in condominium, flat and apartment. These are the only location where you have a chance to find the card. Take note as you accumulate more cards, the harder it takes to find the cards. So, you probably should this during weekend when you have free time.
Every time you search trash bin, you'll lose a mood. You can recover your mood by drinking coffee at the office (3 daily quota for male & 1 quota for female) or playing games on your desk at the office.
When you search trash bin at apartment's basement, sometimes you can find a bum after 7 pm. Talk to him. He might have a card to sell for $20. If he doesn't have a card, you can repeat the process by exiting the apartment & reenter the apartment to talk to him again.
Hi, we haven't put remaining story for the sisterhood so you can't find the public library. If you're in Team C or D (entertainment department), then you're stuck for the rest of your life because there's no option to get promoted to manager. Your option is to start new game and choose Team A or Team B.
Hi, when you're already in apartment building, you need to check the map. There should be map button on top right of the screen. There's a small room at the centre of apartment. Enter the open door to move down to basement.
Hi, the first thing you should do is not lend money to co-workers because they are not going to pay. Talk to Shawn at entertainment department. He has side job for you to do which can earn you up to $2500. You should complete murder in the office objective by getting Juan arrested. Katherine will reward you $500 for that & she will give objectives to find thief & spy in the office which will earn you money if you complete it. Sofia will reward $1000 if you can earn her trust. You need to find her secret which you can get from Britney. You need to make a choice to keep secret of her stealing stuff from co-worker before she can reveal the secret. You can search trash bins in condominium, flat or apartment for a chance to find porn magazine which you can then recycle it at pawn shop for cash. You can also play lottery at pawn shop but you need to spend several hours before you can turn profit.
Hi i love your game its so interesting im gonna make all my friends play!! I just have trouble becoming director position any idea?? Sorry for how i type lol im using my brothers phone to play this because its not on ios and im not used to android keyboard:(
Hi, have you been promoted to executive yet? You need to be in either Team A or Team B to have a chance to get promoted to director. There are quite lots of things for you to do to get promoted to director. We have the game walkthrough you can read on Inspire Games app you can download from Play Store. In the future, we might create PDF walkthrough that players can download from website.
Hi, if you're on Team F, then you have no chance to get promoted to director. Only Team A or Team B has the chance to get promoted to director. Do you have save game before you get promoted to executive? If not, then you have to start new game.
The game has a lot of hints put in certain places. All you have to do is just pay attention to these hints. If you just skip text during dialog, then you might miss these hints.
Hey I want to know how to find sketch Priss doll, when I click Shawn profile, it's say that sketch might in co-worker, and I already be CEO all mission already clear, except Shawn and Sara.. sarah, Vince and John not clear cause still wait the update... Then when I ask all co-worker they don't have it, except Bob, Juan, Patricia, Jenny, Phill, Zoe, Rafael, and Nathan, cause they already gone in my game... What should I do?
Hi, you can find the last sketch on Sara's desk. She's the one with white-haired and works as the manager in fashion department. In order to trigger the sketch, you need to complete her story. Talk to her to find out she has depression problem. Then talk to Jean, the manager in entertainment department. She will tell abit of story about Sara. Then, return to Sara to hear her story. You can now find the sketch on her desk once she leave the office.
Hi, Zoe is a ghost. You can find her working at her desk from 10 pm during weekday. You can wait until 10 pm by playing games on your desk. Normally, she will not respond if you talk to her but once you get scarf from Carrie, she will have something for you.
Hi, for the current update (version 1.45), we haven't completed remaining story for Sarah so we haven't included public library in the game. We're waiting from writers to brainstorm Sofia's dark secret. Who actually is Sofia? Why she helped Juan in Zoe's murder? Hopefully we will be able to find answers to these questions.
but sir if i choose the option as force rafael to quit from his director position he will get me fired for searching his desk and he tells me that i have a lot of money so that i can bribe the cops and not get arrested please help me sir. or please make a tutorial video how to remove him.please sir
Hi, you've said that you've earned Sofia's trust. This mean you have already find Sofia's secret with Rafael and when you confront her, she gave you $1000. Do you remember you did this?
If you already did, then when you go to Rafael to blackmail him with the digital trace, Rafael can't do anything because Sofia will prevent Rafael from bribing the police. This is how you force Rafael to quit from the agency, with the support from Sofia.
sir in this game i am playing as male character and i work for team b and my investigation sp is around above 400 and i also investigated rafael s desk and found pictures of chid porn and by showing that to jiu he offered me a digital trace for 4000$ and ive bought it and showed it to rafael and he tricked me to give it to him.and i also investigated bob s desk then jiu interrepted me. but sir ive got promoted to manager. in team b and iam still facing a problem to remove rafael from his director position.please help me to remove rafael from his position sir please. iam expecting a reply from you soon.
Hi, it sounds like Rafael has tricked you to give the digital trace for nothing. If that happens, then you're stuck in the game as you no longer have any chance to blackmail him again. The right option for you is to force Rafael to quit, not to accept his money.
Do you have any save before you talk to Rafael? If not, then there's nothing you can do except to restart new game and learn a mistake not to accept money from Rafael. As a matter of fact, don't take any bribe in the game if you're given option as that's always lead to horrible result.
Hi, we plan to release DC Office: Love Edition upgrade somewhere around Q3 or Q4 2019. For Android, there should be option to upgrade within the game. For Windows, we will upgrade DC Office: Enhanced Edition to DC Office: Love Edition. We might have to charge some money for the upgrade as we're currently seeking funding for our Dream Island project. Take note that this upgrade is optional. You can complete the game without the upgrade.
respected sir/madam can you please help me in this gameplay. iam not able to remove the current director of business department agency and replace him during meeting. as i ve already gained sofia s trust but iam still not able to remove rafael from his director position. so please help me in this gameplay how to remove him and reply me fast sir please. iam expecting a reply by tomorrow please reply fast.
Hi, which team do you work for? Currently, the option to remove Rafael is only available if you work for Team A or Team B. If that's the case, you need to buy digital trace from Jiu for $4,000. Before you can do that, you need to help Jiu to investigate Rafael's desk. You can only find secret at Rafael's desk if you have at least 400 Investigation SP. This is not a problem if you play a male character but if you play female character, you need to improve investigation skill by interacting with cabinet at meeting room everyday. To get Jiu to ask you about Rafael, you need to investigate Bob's desk. Jiu will interrupt you.
respected sir/madam can you please help me in this gameplay. iam not able to remove the current director of business department agency and replace him during meeting. as i ve already gained sofia s trust but iam still not able to remove rafael from his director position. so please help me in this gameplay how to remove him and reply me fast sir please. iam expecting a reply by tomorrow please reply fast.
Sorry but for a game that focuses on conversations, the dialogue and characters are terrible. I spoke to Naomi, who i've just met, and she asks me whether she should get a boob job. My character responds 'Yes, I always like girl with big breasts!'. What the actual fuck man. Seriously if English and writing isn't your strong suit, then make a gameplay-focussed game and get someone else to write the small amount of text or speech you need.
Hi, thanks for your feedback. Yes, we are aware there are lots of grammar mistakes in the game. The game is less polished as it is our first mobile game. We've made it on 2014 and we had working on updating it on 2015 and 2016.
There are a major overhaul of the game that we are working on called the Enhanced Edition that will overhaul the game in term of story and gameplay to match the quality of Dream City Life + Dream City Living game. This has been overdue since last year as we put priority on working for both Dream City Life + Dream City Living game but since we've finished most part of both game, we can resume work on the Enhanced Edition.
Don't judge our work based on this game only. We have made a tremendous progress in term of narrative on our Dream City Life + Dream City Living game.
In that case mate I'd recommend just taking this down. If it's a poor representation of your current work, why leave it here for people to find? It's only going to harm your reputation. Also, grammar aside, the actual subject matter and content of the conversations wasn't great. It's unrealistic as all hell. There's people I've worked with for years who'd never ask my opinion on getting breast implants. Anyway, I'm glad you've improved and are still working :)
Well, the game was designed to have a sense of dark humour and goofiness so that's why you'll find many instances of inappropriate circumstances like what you've mentioned (asking about breast implant). You'll also find co-workers are doing some nasty stuff on you (like puke on you). These circumstances, combined with bad writing can be very unsettling to some players.
This is the only game that we develop that has an unsettling vibe to it. Our other game (DC Life + DC Living + TA Alliance) is much more well behaved in term of circumstances.
Maybe our mistake is we don't warn players about this. We should put a disclaimer that there will be some inappropriate circumstances before player start a new game. Thanks to your feedback, we will put this disclaimer in our major update (the Enhanced Edition). We'll also tone down the goofiness in the major update.
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hi how to earn Niobe trust?i keeo buying drugs but she wont say it.
Buy up to 1000 drugs and come back later to talk
Hi, I already bought 4thousands worth of drugs but still Niobe doesn't trust me. ☹️
can you please help me in this gameplay. iam not able to remove the current director of business department agency and replace him during meeting. as i ve already gained sofia s trust but iam still not able to remove rafael from his director position. so please help me in this gameplay how to remove him
Download pdf walkthrough from the game page. There should be instruction on how to remove Rafael.
So where should I find the sketches for shawn
Read the journal entry related to Shawn. There should be instruction where to search the sketches. Most of them can be found by searching shelves in specific building. The last sketch can be found by searching someone's desk in the office.
How will I download it
My game is glitching all of a sudden. I'm stuck at the club looking for the sketches, the door is closed and the tune isn't moving forward anymore
If you face any glitch, you can just reload your saved game progress.
How do I find the items for Shawn?
If you refer to the trading card, search trash bins in condominium, flat or apartment. Make sense to do this during weekend as you'll have lots of free time. Refill mood by playing games on your desk or drinking coffee at the office.
Please where can I meet Patricia to ask about her clients
Her desk is next to Zach. Zach's desk is next to your desk. If you couldn't find her in the office, she probably getting sick so wait the next day.
Open map screen. There should be an empty barrel located on top left of map area. Go to the barrel. You should be able to interact that barrel.
Plz how do i solve the first note .within the transquity. I sat on a comfy stuff.. I need help asap
Comfy stuff is the sofa opposite of the big TV in the spa.
what am I supposed to do after Patrick leaves for capital city? It says I should watch out for assassins
Just do work as normal. There should be scripted event with the assassin but you should be OK.
Who can I talk to about Chris's background?
Talk to Phill (entertainment department) & do what he wants. At some point, he'll ask you to meet at Sushi Haven restaurant at 8 pm. There are 2 important choices that you need to make when you talk to him at the restaurant. The choice will lead to 2 different paths (good or bad ending).
I'm against chris now, please how would i eliminate him
Please have u been able to remove Raphael cause the idiot already collected my evidence and Sofia refuse go talk to me
How do you get to Niobe?
Niobe is the drug pusher in the sewer. From Dream city map, tap drug icon to climb down to the sewer. Niobe wears red jacket so it should be easy to find her.
When can you find her tho.. Also who is the person in blue
Hi, from where did you know about Niobe? You will not know about her name unless you already talk to her in the sewer. The game through checklist screen will ask you to find a drug pusher in the sewer. If you climb down to the sewer, you'll meet a female with red jacket. Talk to her & then you'll know she's Niobe. The person with blue jacket is just a drug addict. He doesn't serve any important role. You can ignore him.
how can i be a manager in a team ?i don't know how,can you please tell me?thank you
Hi, to complete the game, you need to replace the current manager for either Team A or B & that requires you to complete objectives for either Illegal Substance storyline (Team A) or Murder In Office storyline (Team B). You can refer to the checklist screen to keep updated of the progress.
You must join either Team A or B & once you've solved the storyline by removing the manager, there should be option to replace them during department meeting on Tuesday. The secret to get highest work contribution is to only work when healthy to keep within 100% work productivity which means if you get sick or wounded, go to your apartment & sleep at bed to get healthy.
You can also experiment with mood as low mood makes you work longer thus improving work contribution but too low mood makes you unable to finish daily task to get money.
Hi I play a male, in the business department and I made Raphael quit but I dont know how to become the director
Hi, you need to attend business department meeting in Tuesday. Make sure you have the highest work contribution in the whole department (easy to achieve as long as you complete your daily task everyday). During the meeting, there should be option to nomimate yourself as the director if you're already manager Team A or B.
Please how do I make Raphael quit
I have completed dc office. Now I've moved on to dc living. Naomi is weird, so the game is asking me to see Damien. But I've never met Damien before. Can you help me? Thanks.
You can find Damien at condominium after 10 am. Normally you should talk to Damien first & he'll give a task for you to record infected behaviour which you'll write it down in a journal (check Document & Voucher screen). Naomi is infected. Every time you visit her condo unit, you'll record her weird behaviour.
Plz how do i find the first note?
"Within the tranquillity, i sat on a comfy stuff, in front of me was a dumb box"
You can find another note by searching brown sofa/couch by the big TV.
I forgot who Jim is.
Jim is the shopkeeper at the pawn shop (money sign on Dream city map). You might already talk to him when you caught Britney trying to sell her stolen jewellery.
Help!! I kinda mixed up things in my game. my characterbis a girl and has 785 investigation skill and I'm in Entertainment Dept.(if that is necessary) then i got bob arrested first without jiu caughing me investigating his desk. So basically, i cant earn Sofia's trust and Jiu is only talking about Airpads not talking about Rafael's bribe, i already got 4000 but i cant take the bribe to jiu because of what?pls answer huehueheue
Hi, you can actually earn Sofia's trust by getting her secret from Britney (caught her stealing from co-worker but choose to keep it secret). Your biggest mistake is you choose to enter Entertainment department. The game will only let you remove Rafael from his position if you choose to enter Business department. That's why Jiu will not offer you the DVD even though you have the money ($4000) because you don't belong to Business department.
At this point you probably need to restart the game and choose to enter Business department (Team A or Team B).
Hi, Pls where can I find the third note in the main objective;
Note #3Hi, you can find the note at the flat. Refer to this screenshot.
Hi pls where can I find katherine's room after 10pm to peek to Nathan's room. Which side of the game is the room located? Pls help, I seem to be lost
Hi, Katherine's room is the small room inside the office where Martha & Joe is working. After 10 pm, if you've noticed Martha is still working, go inside the small room. Refer to this screenshot.
Are more characters going to be added? also when is the tts going to change or whatever- bc oh god that " n o " is scary
Hi, there's no plan to add more characters. With the latest update 1.49/1.50, we've considered the game to be complete. There'll be no more content update in the future. We have no budget to use voice actors so that's why we use text to speech (tts) for characters. Do you think it's better we replace tts with sound effect instead?
definitely.. like maybe some disgust sound effect? that "n o" is just horrific. NO sound is better then that
OK, we'll put that into consideration. Does this means no text to speech for main character like when you interact with no object (there's nothing to interact) or you refer to text to speech when a co-worker refused flirt?
The flirt.
Ok, we'll change it to sound effect when a co-worker refuse flirt.
Sir I have a question what can I choose side switch or loyal chris
If you want to become CEO and good ending, choose side switch.
Sir I forget I solve a case of Juan so please give me a step to solve the case sir.... Thank you
It's a long process. If you've mentioned what part you have done related to Juan, we can provide hints.
Sir you have. A link of latest version of this game because I need it asap
Hi, you're already on the page of the game. Look for download section.
Hello Mr/Ms Developer! Where is the picture of Sharon for the mission?
Hi, you can search Williams's desk. There should be a picture of a woman with Williams. Take note the woman in the picture is not Sharon. She just looks like Sharon.
Sir how to earn a sophia's trust
Give me the step sir please
I expect you reply for my question asap
Hi, you need Sofia's secret which you can get it from Britney. Talk to Britney, investigate her desk (find cigarette box) & then wait until weekend to go to pawn shop to catch her. Then, at the office, choose to keep quiet of her stealing stuff. She'll reveal the secret. Then, talk to Sofia.
Sir I need your answer ASAP I can't find a public library you can find this place in apartment building or flat
Hi, we just push latest update on The latest update allows you to go to public library.
I am confused where is the public library?
Hi, for current update you can't visit the public library. However, we've been able to finish the remaining story for the sisterhood. There should be an update this week to add remaining story for the sisterhood which allows you to visit the public library. Keep your eyes for the update.
I found all the cards but when I speak to Shawn it's coming as I am working on it.. what to do
Hi, did you have all 12 cards? When you get the last card, there should be popup dialog telling you to go see Shawn. Did you have the dialog? If you didn't have the dialog, the game will still consider you didn't have all the cards. This might happen if you try to get the last card at 11.45 pm. If you've confirmed you've got all 12 cards but the game didn't ask you to see Shawn, you need to reload your saved game. Don't try to find the last card at 11.45 pm.
Where can I find priss trade cards. I can find only 3 cards
Hi, the easiest way is to search trash bin in condominium, flat and apartment. These are the only location where you have a chance to find the card. Take note as you accumulate more cards, the harder it takes to find the cards. So, you probably should this during weekend when you have free time.
Every time you search trash bin, you'll lose a mood. You can recover your mood by drinking coffee at the office (3 daily quota for male & 1 quota for female) or playing games on your desk at the office.
When you search trash bin at apartment's basement, sometimes you can find a bum after 7 pm. Talk to him. He might have a card to sell for $20. If he doesn't have a card, you can repeat the process by exiting the apartment & reenter the apartment to talk to him again.
Where a public library basement to talk Sarah and Vince has a secret to I go to manager?
Hi, we haven't put remaining story for the sisterhood so you can't find the public library. If you're in Team C or D (entertainment department), then you're stuck for the rest of your life because there's no option to get promoted to manager. Your option is to start new game and choose Team A or Team B.
Where do you find the apartment basement
Hi, when you're already in apartment building, you need to check the map. There should be map button on top right of the screen. There's a small room at the centre of apartment. Enter the open door to move down to basement.
How do get money to give Niobe to get Bob into trouble
Please help me out
Hi, the first thing you should do is not lend money to co-workers because they are not going to pay. Talk to Shawn at entertainment department. He has side job for you to do which can earn you up to $2500. You should complete murder in the office objective by getting Juan arrested. Katherine will reward you $500 for that & she will give objectives to find thief & spy in the office which will earn you money if you complete it. Sofia will reward $1000 if you can earn her trust. You need to find her secret which you can get from Britney. You need to make a choice to keep secret of her stealing stuff from co-worker before she can reveal the secret. You can search trash bins in condominium, flat or apartment for a chance to find porn magazine which you can then recycle it at pawn shop for cash. You can also play lottery at pawn shop but you need to spend several hours before you can turn profit.
Hi i love your game its so interesting im gonna make all my friends play!! I just have trouble becoming director position any idea?? Sorry for how i type lol im using my brothers phone to play this because its not on ios and im not used to android keyboard:(
Hi, have you been promoted to executive yet? You need to be in either Team A or Team B to have a chance to get promoted to director. There are quite lots of things for you to do to get promoted to director. We have the game walkthrough you can read on Inspire Games app you can download from Play Store. In the future, we might create PDF walkthrough that players can download from website.
Im on team f :( so theres no way i can be a manager? And ill be sure to download the walkthrough
Hi, if you're on Team F, then you have no chance to get promoted to director. Only Team A or Team B has the chance to get promoted to director. Do you have save game before you get promoted to executive? If not, then you have to start new game.
The game has a lot of hints put in certain places. All you have to do is just pay attention to these hints. If you just skip text during dialog, then you might miss these hints.
Hey I want to know how to find sketch Priss doll, when I click Shawn profile, it's say that sketch might in co-worker, and I already be CEO all mission already clear, except Shawn and Sara.. sarah, Vince and John not clear cause still wait the update... Then when I ask all co-worker they don't have it, except Bob, Juan, Patricia, Jenny, Phill, Zoe, Rafael, and Nathan, cause they already gone in my game... What should I do?
Hi, you can find the last sketch on Sara's desk. She's the one with white-haired and works as the manager in fashion department. In order to trigger the sketch, you need to complete her story. Talk to her to find out she has depression problem. Then talk to Jean, the manager in entertainment department. She will tell abit of story about Sara. Then, return to Sara to hear her story. You can now find the sketch on her desk once she leave the office.
Wow Thank you, now I can clear Sara or Shawn mission😄
Hey just need to know how to meet zoe I cant find her
Hi, Zoe is a ghost. You can find her working at her desk from 10 pm during weekday. You can wait until 10 pm by playing games on your desk. Normally, she will not respond if you talk to her but once you get scarf from Carrie, she will have something for you.
May i know where is the public library basement. I can't find it. Please help thank you.
Hi, for the current update (version 1.45), we haven't completed remaining story for Sarah so we haven't included public library in the game. We're waiting from writers to brainstorm Sofia's dark secret. Who actually is Sofia? Why she helped Juan in Zoe's murder? Hopefully we will be able to find answers to these questions.
but sir if i choose the option as force rafael to quit from his director position he will get me fired for searching his desk and he tells me that i have a lot of money so that i can bribe the cops and not get arrested please help me sir. or please make a tutorial video how to remove him.please sir
Hi, you've said that you've earned Sofia's trust. This mean you have already find Sofia's secret with Rafael and when you confront her, she gave you $1000. Do you remember you did this?
If you already did, then when you go to Rafael to blackmail him with the digital trace, Rafael can't do anything because Sofia will prevent Rafael from bribing the police. This is how you force Rafael to quit from the agency, with the support from Sofia.
sir in this game i am playing as male character and i work for team b and my investigation sp is around above 400 and i also investigated rafael s desk and found pictures of chid porn and by showing that to jiu he offered me a digital trace for 4000$ and ive bought it and showed it to rafael and he tricked me to give it to him.and i also investigated bob s desk then jiu interrepted me. but sir ive got promoted to manager. in team b and iam still facing a problem to remove rafael from his director position.please help me to remove rafael from his position sir please. iam expecting a reply from you soon.
Hi, it sounds like Rafael has tricked you to give the digital trace for nothing. If that happens, then you're stuck in the game as you no longer have any chance to blackmail him again. The right option for you is to force Rafael to quit, not to accept his money.
Do you have any save before you talk to Rafael? If not, then there's nothing you can do except to restart new game and learn a mistake not to accept money from Rafael. As a matter of fact, don't take any bribe in the game if you're given option as that's always lead to horrible result.
how can we get a q3 2019 update of game and how we will get romance features. please tell me
Hi, we plan to release DC Office: Love Edition upgrade somewhere around Q3 or Q4 2019. For Android, there should be option to upgrade within the game. For Windows, we will upgrade DC Office: Enhanced Edition to DC Office: Love Edition. We might have to charge some money for the upgrade as we're currently seeking funding for our Dream Island project. Take note that this upgrade is optional. You can complete the game without the upgrade.
respected sir/madam can you please help me in this gameplay. iam not able to remove the current director of business department agency and replace him during meeting. as i ve already gained sofia s trust but iam still not able to remove rafael from his director position. so please help me in this gameplay how to remove him and reply me fast sir please. iam expecting a reply by tomorrow please reply fast.
Hi, which team do you work for? Currently, the option to remove Rafael is only available if you work for Team A or Team B. If that's the case, you need to buy digital trace from Jiu for $4,000. Before you can do that, you need to help Jiu to investigate Rafael's desk. You can only find secret at Rafael's desk if you have at least 400 Investigation SP. This is not a problem if you play a male character but if you play female character, you need to improve investigation skill by interacting with cabinet at meeting room everyday. To get Jiu to ask you about Rafael, you need to investigate Bob's desk. Jiu will interrupt you.
respected sir/madam can you please help me in this gameplay. iam not able to remove the current director of business department agency and replace him during meeting. as i ve already gained sofia s trust but iam still not able to remove rafael from his director position. so please help me in this gameplay how to remove him and reply me fast sir please. iam expecting a reply by tomorrow please reply fast.
Sorry but for a game that focuses on conversations, the dialogue and characters are terrible. I spoke to Naomi, who i've just met, and she asks me whether she should get a boob job. My character responds 'Yes, I always like girl with big breasts!'. What the actual fuck man. Seriously if English and writing isn't your strong suit, then make a gameplay-focussed game and get someone else to write the small amount of text or speech you need.
Hi, thanks for your feedback. Yes, we are aware there are lots of grammar mistakes in the game. The game is less polished as it is our first mobile game. We've made it on 2014 and we had working on updating it on 2015 and 2016.
There are a major overhaul of the game that we are working on called the Enhanced Edition that will overhaul the game in term of story and gameplay to match the quality of Dream City Life + Dream City Living game. This has been overdue since last year as we put priority on working for both Dream City Life + Dream City Living game but since we've finished most part of both game, we can resume work on the Enhanced Edition.
Don't judge our work based on this game only. We have made a tremendous progress in term of narrative on our Dream City Life + Dream City Living game.
In that case mate I'd recommend just taking this down. If it's a poor representation of your current work, why leave it here for people to find? It's only going to harm your reputation. Also, grammar aside, the actual subject matter and content of the conversations wasn't great. It's unrealistic as all hell. There's people I've worked with for years who'd never ask my opinion on getting breast implants. Anyway, I'm glad you've improved and are still working :)
Well, the game was designed to have a sense of dark humour and goofiness so that's why you'll find many instances of inappropriate circumstances like what you've mentioned (asking about breast implant). You'll also find co-workers are doing some nasty stuff on you (like puke on you). These circumstances, combined with bad writing can be very unsettling to some players.
This is the only game that we develop that has an unsettling vibe to it. Our other game (DC Life + DC Living + TA Alliance) is much more well behaved in term of circumstances.
Maybe our mistake is we don't warn players about this. We should put a disclaimer that there will be some inappropriate circumstances before player start a new game. Thanks to your feedback, we will put this disclaimer in our major update (the Enhanced Edition). We'll also tone down the goofiness in the major update.